455 Boulevard de la Gappe, Gatineau, J8T 0G1

Chronic pain


We speak of chronic pain when it is persistent and impacts on the well-being and quality of life of the person. An infection or injury can cause this type of pain. Surgeries also often cause chronic pain if they have caused nerve damage or inflammation in the spine. Other causes can also generate chronic pain.

How to recognize chronic pain?

The Canadian government defines chronic pain as a condition that persists over a period of three months or more, affecting emotional health. There are two categories of pain: primary pain and secondary pain. Primary pain is the main problem after a first diagnosis, taking as an example the case of fibromyalgia, a complex syndrome on a given area or any other non-specific musculoskeletal pain.

Secondary pain occurs as a result of illness, surgery or any other condition that may generate pain over an extended period of time. This is the case with cancer or trauma that takes time to heal normally.

Chronic pain can manifest itself in different ways: the pain can be just annoying until it becomes practically unbearable and disabling. The individual may experience severe pain similar to a stabbing, burning or muscle stretching. A small palpation can sore the affected area. This pain is likely to increase in intensity as a result of sudden movements. In most cases, chronic pain can spread over several areas. Its intensity can increase as the body activates.

What is the impact of chronic pain?

In Canada, 20% of the population suffers from chronic pain. The latter have an impact on the daily life of the patient, since they affect the body as well as the mind and emotions. They also increase the risk of suicide, lower energy, cause sleep disorders, reduce daily productivity and tire the intellect. Treatment is therefore necessary to help those affected regain their well-being and a normal daily life.

How to treat chronic pain?

It is possible to detect the origin of chronic pain. As soon as the patient feels acute pain, early treatment is necessary to prevent the pain from worsening and spreading to other parts of the body.

Physio + Hamel’s physiotherapists are qualified to treat chronic pain. They intervene as part of the treatment of symptoms related to all types of pain. The techniques used aim to help patients regain good mobility and well-being. The more active the body, the more it is able to perform different movements. Performing the right movements reduces the discomfort caused by chronic pain.

Patients can actually seek the help of a physiotherapist in an effort to treat chronic pain.. In this way, the patient can then reduce or eliminate his chronic pain and return to a normal and stable life.

Osteopathy and chronic pain: How does it WORK?

Osteopathy can address different pains, including chronic pain. The osteopath draws up a health check of the patient before developing an appropriate session. This assessment shall be drawn up on the basis of an objective and subjective assessment.

A session based on osteopathy contributes to the relief of chronic pain. However, this method does not definitively indicate chronic pain. Rather, it is a technique that allows the patient to better tolerate the pain, without making it disappear completely.

Physio + Hamel provides its patients with an osteopath capable of intervening in chronic pain. This specialist detects the lack of mobility and is based on three osteopathic systems:

  • The parietal system: muscles and joints;
  • The visceral system: organs of the thorax and abdomen;
  • The craniosacral system: the head and sacrum.
Need help?

Make an appointment online for a consultation to begin your health journey.