455 Boulevard de la Gappe, Gatineau, J8T 0G1

Sports physiotherapy

Sports physiotherapy

It is an approach centered on the athlete, biomechanics and performance. Each intervention of sports physiotherapy is adapted to the specificity of the sport concerned. The treatment of the injury as well as the management of the return to sport practice are the major challenges of a good clinical intervention.

physiothérapie sportive

A complete evaluation and biomechanical analysis of the movements involved in sports gestures must be performed during a sports physiotherapy treatment.

When required, joint and soft tissue techniques (taping, neuro-proprioceptive and use of dry needles under the dermis) could be used.

Proprioceptive and motor control training will be taught. At the appropriate time, a rehabilitation of the sporting gesture is integrated allowing a return to sport that will be supervised in terms of volume and intensity, thanks to the SGA (active global stretching) approach.

A sports physiotherapy approach is indicated for:

  • Pain, limitation or decrease in performance related to the practice of a recreational or competitive sports activity;
  • Sprain or ligament instability;
  • Tendinopathy or overuse injury;
  • Bruising or muscle strain;
  • Stress fracture;
  • Post-immobilization stiffness;
  • Neck or back pain related to the practice of your sport.


Active global stretching (GAS) is a stretching method in global postural rehabilitation that is especially aimed at athletes. This technique will make it possible to adapt to the sport practiced by reproducing the movements and postures of the discipline in question. Isometric contractions allow for safe and effective stretching. The SGA method is an active method that will complement your training program to achieve (or find) better alignment in your posture.

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Make an appointment online for a consultation to begin your health journey.