455 Boulevard de la Gappe, Gatineau, J8T 0G1



What is orthotherapy?

When you consult a massage therapist, you will find the titles: massage therapist, physiotherapist and orthotherapist. These last two terms, however, are more unknown to the general public. But what is physiotherapy and orthotherapy?

Physiotherapy is an advanced massage therapy technique that uses massage, passive, active and upset mobilizations as well as various exercises for its care. It is a so-called manual therapy since it is practiced only with the hands and body of the therapist.

ORTHOTHERAPY As for it, is a natural therapy that combines massage therapy, physiotherapy and other specific techniques and is aimed at people who experience muscle discomfort and joint stiffness, which can be attributed to bad postures, sudden or repetitive movements, a fall, an effort or even a sedentary lifestyle.

The orthotherapist is therefore a health professional working to optimize the physical abilities of people in order to promote their well-being, mobility and autonomy.

The objectives of orthotherapy are also numerous:

Orthotherapy aims to relieve muscle pain of all kinds, which is often related to a lack of mobility, lack of exercise, posture defects and repetitive or sudden gestures. The goal is to relax the muscles, realign the body in its normal axis and regain strength and range of motion.

Orthotherapy is extremely effective for lower back pain, neck pain, migraines, sciatica and other neuralgia, back pain, hip pain, tendonitis and a variety of other problems, chronic or not. Postural education is another important part of orthotherapy. Finding or maintaining good posture reduces tension on muscles and joints. Berf, The orthotherapist intervenes as much in prevention as in the treatment of pain aimed at rebalancing the musculoskeletal system by intervening mainly on the muscular system.

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