455 Boulevard de la Gappe, Gatineau, J8T 0G1

Tennis Elbow

TREATMENT of Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow is a term in English that means lateral epicondylitis of the elbow, it is a painful inflammation located at the elbow. When a person does not settle properly during training or physical activity, this inflammation manifests itself automatically. So, if you are not careful during excessive activities, tennis elbow can occur.

How to recognize tennis elbow?

A person who suffers from tennis elbow may complain of pain in the outer surface of the elbow, which can spread to the forearm. This is what sometimes decreases your strength to hold an object as a result of this immobility of the elbow.

This can cause reduced mobility and discomfort when doing activities such as:

  • Carry a bag;
  • Take a bottle;
  • Shaking hands with a person.

Main causes of tennis elbow

In people who do not practice sports activities

There are movements that can perfectly lead to epicondylitis such as:

  • Simultaneous action of the forearm and flexion of the wrist in rotation;
  • A sudden rotary grip of an object with the forearm outwards or inwards;
  • A sudden action of throwing an object;
  • An action to hit an object with the hand.

When performing any of these actions, make sure to stay in a constant position to avoid that it could be dangerous. Moreover, actions that require exaggerated and repeated force only make things even worse.

In people who practice sports activities

Even if you perform hours of practice every day, tennis elbow can happen at any time.

Moreover, the appearance of tennis elbow depends on how you will proceed during your movements:

  • A change in the way of playing;
  • Use of new rope;
  • A use of new racket;
  • A modification of the grip;
  • Play with heavy balls;
  • Change surface;
  • DIY, paint or garden;
  • Taking medication.

How to treat a tennis elbow Perform physiotherapy treatments!

Physio+ Hamel works with professionals who are able to manage your tennis elbow tendon inflammation problems. Using different types of approaches and treatments, you will follow a methodical protocol that allows for effective relief.

Need help?

Make an appointment online for a consultation to begin your health journey.